Saturday, February 2, 2008

Bulletin Board

Quote of the Day…"Don't find fault. Find a remedy". Henry Ford

Well, Boro council has every intention of continuing to water and maintain the planters on Main Street. There was quite a show of support for the planter project at Boro council Monday, which also I take as tribute to Mrs.Pedrick and her Beautification Committee. The project it seems was not in jeopardy but it seems it was perhaps a misunderstanding. All is well here and so we can move on to….

Boro council has scheduled budget sessions starting this coming Saturday, February 9 and Saturday, February 23 at Boro hall from 8:00 0’clock until noon. During these meetings municipal departments will come and explain their yearly budgets and indicate how much money their respective departments will need in the upcoming year. This very transparent budget process began with last year’s council and it affords the public an opportunity to understand the budget, fiscal needs and responsibilities of Flemington. The meetings are open to the public and all are invited to attend.

More “techie” stuff ...
I presume the “we” who are discussing live chat windows during Boro council meetings according Bob Flisser (“The Democrat” January 31, 2008) includes Boro council and members of the community who would like the chance to weigh in also as well as Boro attorney, Barry Goodman, who may need to advise Boro Council with respect to its compatibility with the Sunshine Laws, the time- tested way to ensure transparency during Boro council meetings.

Certainly the candidates have been hot on the trail here for months now. The CNN debates this week were exceptionally informative, a cut above... Now Super Tuesday is upon us. Here’s your chance to put in your 2 cents. Our sample ballots for Flemington were mailed out about a week ago. See Hunterdon County Clerk’s website below with any questions.

"Tis here...the national religion celebrates its....
high holyday, Super Bowl Sunday... I hope all your superbowl trees are decorated with the booty of those super pools...whoops, I mean collection boxes...... and may your snack trays be stuffed and abundant. What about those Patriots! And what about those Giants! Enjoy... and don’t break all those New Year’s resolutions by eating too much pizza and mini hot dogs! Which commercial will win the day? And hopefully no more wardrobe malfunctions!! Who's on deck for half time, I wonder... I am not very religious, am I?

Stay tuned.

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