Friday, January 25, 2008

Save our Planters

I am sure I speak for many when I compliment Mrs. Edna Pedrick and her committee, the Beautification Committee, for their work beautifying Main Street. Every season the giant planters lining Main Street get a fresh arrangement of plants or flowers appropriate to the season. Of course to flourish, these planters need to be watered on a regular basis. Evidently the Department of Public Works will no longer water these planters and Mrs. Pedrick is looking for a way to address the problem. We do not want to lose this lovely décor on Main Street.

Please attend the Boro council meeting this Monday, January 28, 2008 at 7:00 o’clock at Boro Hall to show your support and help brainstorm to find a way to deal with this problem.

This meeting was cited in the ”Democrat” this week as being held on January 29. Mayor Hauck confirmed that it will not be held on January 29. The meeting will be held at the usual time on Monday, January 28.

Stay tuned.


lit n up said...

You are kidding me, what, the plant watering fairies are suppose to water the plants? Is this a decision that is up for a vote, or is this a decision that has already been made? And, who, please tell is in charge of this decision?

The planters are such a nice touch, they make downtown look like home. And what a real slap in the face to Edna and her hard working volunteers who make the boro look so nice.

I hope this isn't a "done deal" and just a dumb idea.

klutter said...

the downtown already looks depressed with empty storefronts. Taking away the beautiful flowers is just going to add to this. What we need are more things to Main Street look vibrant and thriving. Let's hope this is not a final decision

Courier News Flemington blog said...

Hi There lit n up and Klutter,

I was heartened to see your responses. All I know is that Mrs. Pedrick wrote to the "Democrat" and said the planters would no longer be watered by the Dept. of Public Works. I do not know how that came to pass. In her letter Mrs.Pedrick asked for supporters to come to Boro council this Monday at 7:00 o'clock to be heard.

Boro council members are very responsive to citizen input. You will not be blown off if you make the effort to attend. If you cannot attend, I ask you to fax Diane Schottman, Boro clerk, Attention : Mayor Bob Hauck and inform him that you want the planters to be watered. If you have friends or neighbors who feel as you do, perhaps you might ask them to take either of these actions.

Let's hope we make a difference.

Courier News Flemington blog said...

Lit n up and Klutter,

Ms.Schottman's fax# is 908-782-0142 as per our website

Unknown said...

The planters do indeed add a nice touch to Main Street. Edna has done a good job of keeping in-season plants growing from early spring to late fall. I always make sure to douse the planter in front of my office when watering our other plants.

My guess is that having two Borough workers do the job (one to drive the truck and one to operate the giant watering can) is costly. I wonder if it's possible to set up an apparatus that would let the driver do the job alone.

Courier News Flemington blog said...

Good thoughts, Bob,

Many of us love the flowers and I look forward to them each new season. I am inclined to agree with you that cost may be at the root of this. And private busniesses dousing the planters is certainly a good idea. Maybe if the planters are filled totally with dirt, they could be filled only partially filled with dirt, requiring less water. But I do not know if that is feasible.

I am sure Edna appreciates our voices and I hope you will somehow pass your support and suggestion to Boro council.

lit n up said...

I imagine cost is part of the problme, and business might not be interested in taking on the responsibility and then you have to worry if one business doesn't do it, that planter starts looking sad. What about a sponsorship program, where business or residents can sponsor a planter for $25. Won't cover all the cost, but would encourage a sense of ownership and provide some revenue - dont make it really costly, just a small contribution and even have a little plaque in the pot that says sponsored by...

lit n up said...

Another thought, I believe the council is looking into enviornmental issues...maybe they could look into some watering solutions, and beautification can look into some "drought tolerant" plants that require less watering.

Courier News Flemington blog said...

lit n up,

The sponsorship idea and desert proof planters are interesting suggestions.I encourage you to pass them along if you did not attend the meeting. ...I have to get an update on the meeting which I unfortunately could not attend. I heard there were about some 20 people there on the planter issue...will keep you posted when I get more info.